
Who is Jeffrey Charles Hardy?

Jeffrey Charles Hardy is the the Founder and President of Care for Peace 501(c)(3), an international nonprofit that most recently completed a 6-year pilot project for the Myanmar government – a prototype, tele-connected community development and health center in a “deep rural” village that is now slated for replication in 250-plus villages throughout the country.

Jeffrey is a 45-year veteran healthcare system, service and facility planning and design consultant. After selling his consulting company to a Fortune-500 firm, Jeff also developed hospitals and healthcare systems for Kaiser Foundation International in the Bahamas, Bahrain, Curacao N.A., Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, among others. In his recent past Jeff helmed public health and new facility development initiatives for the International Medical Center in Hanoi, Vietnam, the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, the Mobile Public Health Program in Delta State, Nigeria, and the Matibabu Hospital in Ukwala, Kenya.

As a recognized industry leader, Jeff has written articles on a variety of topics that include “Patient Safe Hospital Design”, “Patient Administration Consolidated Services” and “The Mini-ˇHospital”, among others for the American Hospital Association, the Center for Healthcare Design and the Patient Safety and Quality organization. (www.systemhealthcare.com/articles.htm). 

As of April 2020, Jeff has been focusing his attention on ensuring neighborhood links in the Public Health Care Chain.  Two of his articles have been published, one of which is reportedly circulating in both State and National political circles. He is working with an exploratory team of past Care for Peace board advisors on the development of a strategy to help neighborhoods become neighborhoods.  A website is currently in development.